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Leg Pain

Knee Joint Examination
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Nerves exiting the spine from the lower back extend down the legs carrying sensation and muscle control messages. If the low back is injured or irritated those nerves can be affected as well, causing pain, numbness, and tingling as well as muscle symptoms such as weakness or spasms. Generally, pain down the leg which has its source in the low back is called sciatica.


The joints and muscles in the legs can also become injured or irritated by trauma or overuse. Common conditions include hip pain, knee pain, ankle instability, and shin splints.

At Lifecare Chiropractic & Wellness in Des Plaines, Drs. Ashlee and Emmanuel Kamara are prepared to effectively treat your leg pain after determining whether it’s source is in the low back or in the joints and muscles of the legs through a thorough examination. For leg pain coming from the low back, Drs. Ashlee and Emmanuel Kamara will address any problem joints with specific adjustments. They have invested in special equipment to be able to provide traction in the low back, which have proven to be very effective at reducing sciatica. Additionally any problem soft tissues will be addressed with cupping therapy and other forms of therapy will be used as indicated.


Leg pain coming from the joints and muscles of the leg will be addressed with adjustments and cupping therapy as indicated. In situations of a sports trauma, electric stimulation or ultrasound may be used to speed up the healing process.


Additionally, many ongoing leg conditions are at least partially caused by dysfunction in the arches of the feet. Drs. Ashlee and Emmanuel Kamara will will recommend appropriate changes in footwear as well as off-the-shelf or custom orthotics.

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