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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Carpal Tunnel is a major problem in Des Plaines residents' lives of repetitive motions and computer work.  Many Des Plaines residents search for a solution for the pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness of carpal tunnel syndrome without results.  Des Plaines chiropractors Dr. Ashlee and Emmanuel Kamara are thrilled to offer cupping therapy which often permanently resolves cases of carpal tunnel syndrome.

The nerves carrying signals to and from the entire arm in Des Plaines carpal tunnel syndrome patients exit the spine in the lower neck.  From there they extend down through the shoulder region and down the arm extending and branching out to the tips of the fingers.  They pass between muscles and ligaments and through structures which can potentially cause irritation to the nerves in Des Plaines carpal tunnel syndrome patients.  These nerves carry sensory messages as well as muscle- controlling messages.

When a nerve in a Des Plaines carpal tunnel syndrome patient becomes injured or irritated, it can affect whatever the nerve extends to and controls.  For example, hitting your funny bone (the ulnar nerve) causes pain, numbness, and tingling not just at your elbow but all the way down to the tips of your fingers.  The nerves that extend from your neck to your fingers react the same way to irritation or injury.  Pain, tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness can all result from nerve irritation or injury in a Des Plaines carpal tunnel syndrome patient.  There are multiple spots where these nerves can be irritated as they travel from the spine to the tips of the fingers.  If a nerve is irritated at or near the spine, it takes less irritation at locations further away from the spine such as at the wrist or in the forearm to affect the nerve and cause symptoms.  Thorough examination can reveal the areas where the nerves are being irritated in Des Plaines carpal tunnel syndrome patients.

Healing and stabilizing carpal tunnel syndrome in Des Plaines carpal tunnel syndrome patients starts with a thorough examination to determine exactly where nerves are being irritated.  Then a plan can be formed to reduce nerve irritation.  Adjustments of the lower neck decrease joint and nerve irritation where the arm-controlling nerves exit the spine.  At Lifecare Chiropractic & Wellness, cupping therapy will be used to address the areas where muscles are affecting the nerves of the arm and the appropriate extremity adjustmentsstrengthening exercises, stretches will also be recommended to create the ideal situation for the body to heal the irritated areas causing carpal tunnel syndrome in Des Plaines area residents.

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